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Reflections from a 2019 Youth Biodiversity Leader: Porchhay Taing

by Porchhay Taing, 2019 ASEAN Youth Biodiversity Leader (YBL) for Cambodia

As a 2019 YBL and participants to the YBL 2019 kick-off training workshop, I have learnt using systems thinking which deeply dig to the root cause of the issues which are useful for the conservation work, and the effective communication and project design which could increase the impact of conservation work. Beside this, it is also my first time to learn and understand how policy advocacy work for the biodiversity conservation. What’s Convention on Biological Diversity and how youth could involve influent the decisions on the biodiversity. I also access to our country national report on biodiversity and national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs) to understand the nation commitment to the biodiversity conservation and its progress.

Along the workshop, I could listen to many people stories and their works event direct or indirect connected to nature and biodiversity. All the mentors are provided very encouraged and inspired talk and discussion, the challenges and how their overcome those challenges. 

For me, YBLs is a home for all youths who have common interested with nature and biodiversity conservation could raise their little voice to the world. In YBLs, youths won’t feel alone to involve in the protecting and preventing the loss of biodiversity.


The most exciting of being 2019 YBL, was to meet with other youths from different countries in ASEAN and learned about their passionate with nature and biodiversity. For me, YBLs is a home for all youths who have common interested with nature and biodiversity conservation could raise their little voice to the world. In YBLs, youths won’t feel alone to involve in the protecting and preventing the loss of biodiversity.