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Reflections from a 2019 Youth Biodiversity Leader: Kittikun Saksung

by Kittikun (Bright) Saksung, 2019 ASEAN Youth Biodiversity Leader (YBL) for Thailand

Questioning, Learning and Striving towards our common goal!

It’s been 2 years since the first kick start of the YBL 2019. I still remember how excited it was to fill the longest application form in my life at that moment! It was a mix between excitement, doubt in my ability and hesitation whether this is a waste of time or it must be worth something!

As a person with no solid background in biology but only this and that of sustainable consumption and production (SCP), biodiversity seems appealing thanks to the term ‘bio’ picturing beautiful natural places and wildlife. Stepping into YBL camp, meeting passionate people from different fields especially biology and conservation was like meeting the Avengers from the eyes of one who has no superpower. It was thrilling and inspiring! YBL was a big ignition of the fire in me to decide and think seriously on how I can practically contribute to biodiversity with what I have. And yes, the possibility is unlocked there and here I am, a coordinator of GYBN Thailand and a Youth Engagement Officer of an international organization many people dreamt to be part of.

Stepping into YBL camp, meeting passionate people from different fields especially biology and conservation was like meeting the Avengers from the eyes of one who has no superpower. It was thrilling and inspiring!

Being a YBL2019 gave me an opportunity to LEARN new emerging issues through global and national policies; SEEK potential gaps for youth to be engaged and provide valuable contribution for both policy and implementation; HEAL my pain from struggling in fighting towards the goals we all wish for by talking to peers who have the same goals; CONNECT to new friends, people, partners to make our wish comes true towards living in harmony with nature, and lastly; GROW as a person to become stronger, better leader, better manager, better caretaker for both planet and the people.

No matter where our starting point is, the journey and experience we harvest could be different from one another. This is only one story I share with you about me and the biodiversity. Write your own! And I have no hesitation to suggest that you start with YBL.