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ASEAN Heritage Parks

Way Kambas National Park

Way Kambas National Park is one of the oldest reserves in Indonesia. It covers 1,300 square kilometers in Lampung Province, Southern Sumatra, Indonesia, and it is the habitat of the Sumatran Elephant. It consists of a lowland forest ecosystem with freshwater swamp forest, grassland / shrub, and forest on the coast of Sumatra.

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Lampung province southern Sumatra
1,300 sq km
Date declared as an AHP
28 October 2015, at the 13th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Environment
Other international designations
Habitat types
Contact Information

Subakir, SH, MH
AHP Park Manager
Tel.: 0725 7646 010

Unique Flora:
The Way Kambas National Park has rich biodiversity, which includes:

  • Coastal forests (Cyperus sp., Ipomoea pescaprae, Fimbristylis sp., almond tree (Terminalia catappa), casuarina tree (Casuarina equisetifolia), Callophylum inophylum, and coconut tree (Cocos nucifera))
  • Mangrove forest (Avicenia sp, Rhizopora, Bruguiera)
  • Lowland forest (timber tree (Instia palembanica), Alstonia scholaris, Macaranga sp., Scleria purpurescens, Metroxylon elatum, Livistonia rotundiflora, Arenga pinnata)
  • Riparian forest (Ficus retusa, Gluta Renghas, Hibiscus tiliaceus)
  • Dipterocarp forest (Trema orientalis, Mallotus paniculatus, Ficus fistula, Shorea bracteolata, Macaranga sp., Dillenia excelsa, Adyna polycephala)
  • Secondary dipterocarp forest (Agathis sp., Dipterocarpus sp., Dillenia excelsa, Schima walicii)

Unique Fauna:Way Kambas National Park has 50 species of mammals, 36 of which are protected. Some of the mammals are the Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximussumantranus), Sumatranrhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), Sumatrantiger (Pantheratigris), tapir (Tapirus indicus), deer (Cervusunicolor), antelope (Muntiacus muntjak), honey bear (Helarctos malayanus), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), tree tiger (neofelis nebulosa), and gold cat (Felis temminckii).

Habitat Types: Lowland forest, coastal forest, mangrove forest, farm, grassland, bushland, swamp, watering area, opened land, cloud, and cloud shadow.

Way Kambas National Park is a place for research and recreation. There are many places that can be used for education and reseach,such as theWay kanan, where visitors can do jungle track and bird watching. There are butterflies, Siamang, and deer in the area.

A visit to Kuala Kambasallows tourists to take a speed boat to view the mangroves and birds along the river.

The national park also houses the Elephant Conservation Center andthe Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary.

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